First off, don't want you gone. Second off, just ignore it! You play into it by responding. I used to do this all the time in college. I still do at times and it is hard not to defend yourself, but it really is petty bullshit. Get over it and move on! 
I'm trying, Trig. But even normal stuff I say is getting no respect. Ask a simple question, and get a mouthful of abuse, even from people who didn't do it at first.
I get the feeling that you interpret half the posts directed at you with a harsher tone than what was originally implied, then you go off half cocked at them and that's when the gloves are taken off.
Just my opinion and you don't have to take it.
You maybe right. I get the feeling that some people aren't joking, and when I try to fight back or ignore it, I don't get anywhere either. Then it seems everyone wants their slice of meat. What was fun isn't any longer.
The way I see it, we all have a choice how we interpret and react to other people in our life. Life's too short to think everyone is out to get you and we can't fight every battle 1 to 1. At the end of the day if something takes away your energy or your enjoyment, walk away and find something that is going to make things fun for YOU.
I'm not trying to say you are childish, but when I see one of my boys get angry and frustrated at a video game I tell them "Games are meant to be fun, if you aren't having fun, then stop playing and find something else". There's no shame in it, and if others think there is, then who gives a shit. If that gets them through the day, all the luck to them.