Bored. Really, really, bored. Did I mention, bored? 
Get a job.
I do have a job, Eclair. I take care of my kids and I teach my son full time. So now you can piss off. I was being nice in the other thread, giving you the benefit of the doubt. But now you're just being bitchy.
Truth hurts CG. I guess you don't have the courage to stop complaining about your husband and take responsibility for making a change in your life.
That's laughable, Eclair. Ending my marriage took courage and I'm in the process of doing that. Does the legal system move as quickly as I would like? No. But mediation has brought me farther than court. There's a 2 year wait list just for a preliminary hearing. I've mediated custody and now we're on to working out finances. After that is property, then it's done. Divorce doesn't happen with the snap of a finger. I'm making sure I'm protected and my kids are protected.