I felt shitty yesterday, and I feel a bit better today, but still not great.
Hope you continue to improve. Are you ill in some specific way, or just feeling run-down? 
I've been readjusting to my meds after taking a break from them, and I get some issues with sleep disruption for 3-5 days after I resume my meds. I've also been trying to shift my sleep cycle back by 4 hours, which I find difficult and disruptive; I've been struggling to regulate my sleep for a few months now, and my sleep cycle tends to creep forwards over time and requires periodic corrections. The meds used to be quite effective at stabilising it, but they're not doing such a great job these days. I've also been dipping in and out of mild depression with increasing frequency and duration for the past 6 months.
Has your doctor been of any help, with either the sleep problems or the depression? 
I discussed my sleep issues with my psychiatrist last time I saw her and I told her that I wanted to try modafinil to see if it would help with my daytime sleepiness, but she didn't know anything about the drug and needed to do her homework before she makes any recommendations to my GP, and she asked me to make a chart of my sleep, so I've been keeping an hour-by-hour record of when I've been sleeping, the quality of sleep, when I've been awake, how sleepy I've felt while awake and what days I've been on or off my meds. My next appointment is in a little over a week, and I'll see what happens. She might refer me to a neurologist.
The depression has been masked by my sleep problems and issues with my meds, so it's crept up on me and it's only today that I recognised it as something separate from the other issues, and I'm still somewhat unsure about it. I've tried various anti-depressants in the past and I didn't react well to them, but I have a better idea now of what's likely to agree or disagree with my neurochemistry, and I might give them another try at some point. I don't want the psychiatrist to get side-tracked into treating the depression while ignoring the sleep problems though, so I'll probably wait a while before I raise the issue with her.