Worried. Monkeyboy is being sent to a special clinic at sick kids hospital that deals with skin diseases and tumors. He's being tested for Neurofibromatosis. They suspected he had it as soon as he was born but they said they "ruled it out." Unfortunately, the hospital he was born in didn't do the genetic testing require to really rule it out. And now that he's older he has all of the full blown signs. I'm 90% sure he has it as the tell tale signs are very visual. I just hate that it requires a blood test because he's terrified of them after having a bad experience a few years ago with a dumbass nurse.
So we're paying for someone to come from the hospital to do it at the house but I'm sure it will take several people to hold him down. 
Any chance you can give Monkeyboy some control over the drawing of blood?
Last time my youngest had to, I gave her the choice how she wanted it to be done, sitting, flat on a stretcher, on my lap. She orchestrated it in detail. And the nurse used a baby needle, to make it easier for my girl. She still threw up, but she did not panic and she did not pass out. (That's what happened the time before, when she also threw up all over the place).
The nurse had different ideas on how to do it than my girl. So we had to be really firm, to get it done our way. And that gave my girl even a bigger sense of power. She was very scared, but calm, because it went her way.
Don't know if a thing like that would work for him.