I feel heartburny...coffee and water on an empty stomach, bleh.
Odeon, do you get migraine hallucinations? I have had those without getting the headache.
The visual problems? Yes, my migraines are often ocular, without the headache. I had one of those today and it's still not entirely gone.
Which is a problem cos sometimes the visual disturbances are very much like the spots I sometimes get in my field of vision when the vitreous humour pulls at the retina, which is an entirely different problem. The nausea is a telltale sign, IF I get that.
Aren't I lucky? 
That other eye problem sounds familiar; what's the name of it? (Disease geek here!)
Age-related detachment of the vitreous humour. Yay.
Interesting...does it run in families?
It happens to most people at some point because the vitreous humour liquefies as a natural part of the ageing process. When you get older, the vitreous will usually detach from the retina. For most people there's no drama other than a few floaters swimming in your field of vision, but for some, the process is more violent and the vitreous will pull at the retina, sometimes causing stationary spots in your field of vision (the physical pull "saturates" the light-sensitive retina and causes spots much like the spots you can see after looking at bright lights; it's the only way it can react to physical stress), as well pockets between the retina and the vitreous gel.
If you are really unlucky, that pull will tear a hole in the retina or even detach parts of it, causing partial (but permanent) blindness unless you rush to the ER and a specialist can fix it.
I don't think there is a genetic component in it.