Thanks guys.
She would have been 8 in February. One day I went out to my garden in my old house and there was a rabbit eating my plants. I figured it was a wild rabbit but I went inside and got some carrots. I sat down on my front porch and then this huge rabbit leaps onto my lap! I nearly fell over because it shocked the hell out of me. So obviously, very domesticated bunny.

He was boy and he was huge. I put up found posters all over the 'hood and after a month, someone finally called. Some 14 year old kid. he describes the bunny etc. By this time I've already bought everything a bunny could possibly need and more. he was AWESOME! Loved the kids, followed me all over the house.
So I take him over to the house where the kid lives and the Dad comes out. Says the bunnies escape all the time, but hey, we've got babies, I'll give one to ya for 10 bucks. Are you fucking kidding me? I've taken good care of your bunny (better care than you do) for a month and you want to
charge me for a baby? I didn't even have cash on me so he said he'd wait while I go home and get some.

The nerve! I was so pissed. But I picked out a sweet girl, and that was Ella. Long story short, the parents bought a female bunny for their daughter, a male bunny for their son, didn't get them fixed and were shocked that they had babies.

I found out a month later the mother was pissed that they couldn't sell off the babies so she had them
all slaughtered (including the parents) and sold the meat. I was livid.
So that's how I got my sweet girl. She looks like just her Dad. Same personality too. Very animated and social. Most people don't know what great pets bunnies make.