Is that the end of that then? 
Come on, I want more arguing
Sorry bedtime and Sir Les was snoring and missed Milla waltzing in and textually vomiting on the thread.
Hi Milla. Long time no see.

So Milla you think calling me an emo is going to make some sort of statement or difference to me or the board? Really?
As to the example I used about my feet it was to show emo-girl, that her whining again about fuck all was really fuck all to whine about.
That went completely over your pretty head didn't it Milla? You want instead to talk about some African tie in. Perhaps there is another forum you want to be in ( perhaps) It sure as hell has not been here.
I do have a problem with ignoring people. I think it is about as mature as sticking your fingers in your ears and sying "la la la" loudly. I won't even ignore you when you come in here spoiling for a fight, pick Les and embarrass yourself. (I may laugh but I promise I will not ignore)
So you came here to defend Soph's whining? I think that is really funny shit. (I think you need more)

Oh Bint it is not this thread that is the issue. But then I made that clear enough. It is not any one post that she has made. But I made that clear enough. It is not even asking overly much (and yes it was asking and yes the original post was nice enough.)
I suspect you realise this too though. You just feel like defending your emo friend and that is OK. Doesn't change things though and I suspect you know this.