
I am having blurry vision again. Coincidence? Or is the Wellbutrin?
How're you finding the Wellbutrin? I asked my GP to put me on it a few years ago, since I thought it's pharmacology might suit me better than the other anti-depressants he'd tried me on, but it was only available on the NHS for smoking cessation and he couldn't prescribe it for other purposes without a recommendation from a psychiatrist, as far as I understood, but I wasn't seeing one at that point and didn't pursue the matter when I did start seeing one, since I got a prescription for dexamphetamine and found that it worked quite nicely.
Wellbutrin's a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, and I've tried quite a few of those and found that they all made me tired and lethargic to varying degrees, reduced my motivation and gave me problems with dry eyes and constipation, but I'm interested in it's dopamine reuptake inhibitor and nicotinic antagonist qualities, and I'm curious about how the combination would affect me.