bog-eyed and cranky 
That sounds so familar. Visual imagery, now with overdoses of hyperventalating makes me feel energized the whole day. I don't get dizzy, but I am supposed to. I have seen myself act out other people's behaviors without being attracted to them. I take my pills the way my mom's father does, when I have no trouble swallowing. I take some of the same pills as her mom's mom to. I repeated some of my dad's behavior to, but that was only once or twice, because it got me in to trouble.
Tired. It's the sort of tiredness where I know I'm going feel wide awake and ready for action in 3-5 hours, just in time for when I should be going to bed.
I read alot on autism, I am sure there is some similarities between that and aspergers, not necessarly saying your lower functioning, no offense to the people who are. Melatonin is something you should try, to realign your cyarcadian rhythm involving the pineal gland. I know of one cycle, testosterone, which is generally highest between 8 and 9am, but lowest at 9-12pm. I took melatonion myself for night terrors as an adult, only to find them go away, but I don't take melatonin now. Melatonin is precursed by serotonin, so maybe supplementing that will give more serotonin, because they body may translate it back the other way. Melatonin is naturally occuring in cherries, my mom's favorite flavor. She herself is having sleep wake problems, with her up at the wrong hours. Bananas are a source of serotonin. Biology is not that simple, however, as I don't know if the naturally occuring serotonin or melatonin can be degraded in the stomach like oral superoxide dismutase. I witnessed melatonin working, so I bet serotonin would to. Serotonin comes from tryptophan, vitamin b6, and vitamin c I think. In the competion, carbohydrates actually clear the other aminos so tryptophan can get through the blood brain barrier first. Tryptophan can be degraded by liver enzymes, even when its already low, due to inflammation. I am pretty sure my info is correct, but check for yourself, as I am having some issues with my mind, but I am in great controll.
Have a nice day