Excited because we are having a big storm
Better you than me, and right now it's raining like hell, but, better than a tornado watch like there is around Bridgeport, CT.
I really resent that I don't get to be safe from tornadoes in New England. It's like if I went to P-Town and got sexually harassed by a guy- I mean, sure, it's possible, but that's a place you just don't expect it.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but, the Northeast has the second highest tornado frequency in the US. Same with Earthquakes, the odds are slim, but, it's not a question of "IF", it's only of "when". And just because P-Town is the gay haven of Cape Cod, doesn't mean you won't get a guy hitting on you, but, then again, you might get a woman hitting on you as well.

But, don't lose any sleep my dear, the chances of you getting hit by a tornado where you live is about the same as you getting into a sexual relationship with me. 0.00000000000001% And that is a really wild estimate.