Spaced out and slightly nervous.
Why nervous?
About my research proposal that I'm going to email to a lecturer as soon as I stop procrastinating.
Why are you procrastinating? Does your proposal need more information or a spell check?
I'm procrastinating because it's what I do best; also because ambiguities in the criteria for the essay make me uncertain if my proposed topic will be valid.
The lecturer can help you. Send the proposal, with any questions you have about the criteria,
and s/he should be able to clarify things for you.
I'm going to. It's saved on the university network, so I'll send if off next time I'm on campus.
It required 4 sources to be cited, and referencing makes my brain hurt, so that was a major procrastinising feature.
Right now I am feeling... I don't know yet. It's possible that my difficulties with earning money are going to get in the way of my getting a PhD, which will take away my biggest hope of ever moving out of my parents' house and thus getting away from my father. However, the professor who I spoke with today about the options for my academic future is interested in my research interests and was very helpful, so he will probably do whatever he can to assist me in achieving my goals.
So what does that add up to? Discouraged, pissed off at my brain for causing difficulties that have made my academic progress less-than-smooth, but still hopeful and determined to achieve my goals.