Not too bad, really.
.... exhausted, but with four Hydrocodone in my bloodstream, I am not hurting as much as before.
My doc gave me a years prescription for the same med that "House" was supposedly addicted to.
I plan to back burner as many of them as I can for when I really need something, something, something, etc.
Do not really get it, since he has me tentatively scheduled for a procedure in February, which should solve this problem.
After the procedure, at first you might find you need them even more than you do now, but hopefully that need will gradually subside.
You have me all figured out, do you not?
I plan to keep some aside for those days when my Chi is not up to the task.
I just hope that I can get past the fear of having to be cut and get it done in a way that makes some of the pain a little more tolerable.
My expectations remain high.