Got through the the three funerals this week OK, made a decent showing of my duties at work, Took the kids out to shop for "secret presents" for their mum, managed the stress caused by so many strangers, generally.
As I sit in "comfort," I am more aware than ever of just how close i am to surgery, regarding my hip. When I stop to relax, I really hurt.
I am scared.
Is it scheduled yet or are you waiting until you can't bear it anymore?
My hip surgery ( a minor cartilage replacement with a teflon/carbon substitute, at this point - depending upon the degree of bone degradation, of course) is tentatively scheduled for February twenty fourth, on my day off.
I am told that I will be on my feet that same day and back to work within one week. This is considered very minor, as long as my joint is still salvageable. If the joint must be replaced (both ball and socket) with a stainless steel substitute, then the recovery time could extend to the three or four week time frame. Roughly half that time if only one part of the joint is damaged beyond repair.
Unfortunately, what generally happens to a "guy who hates doctors and decides to suffer through four years of pain rather than have the damage attended early" (paraphrasing the way my doctor put it) is that his continued tolerance of the pain causes his hip socket in his pelvis to wear so thin (due to his cartilage being destroyed, allowing raw contact between his ball and socket) or even get a "hole worn through it," that it can not be salvaged and a plate will have to be installed into his pelvis, along with the teflon implant and often the ball on the femur will have to be replaced as well.
That all means screwing a bunch metal onto a bunch of bone and hoping it all "takes" without complication.
In the broad scheme, this is still considered as routine surgery, these days, but it still scares the fuck out of me.