Annoyed that my injured finger seems to be getting infected despite my precautions. Back I go to Urgent Care. 
Have you been taking antibiotics for it?
Yes, 3x a day as ordered, and I use Neosporin on my dressings. Two things come to mind: The splint I got at the orthopedic appointment
is a boxy metal one that pinches, and it is wrapped with super-absorbent first aid tape (very much like crepe paper). The first splint I had
was a plastic helmet that covered the gauze pretty well to keep it dry, and did NOT squeeze my nail bed! Tomorrow I intend to ask about
returning to the original splint. 
I think they probably will put you on stronger antibiotics if your finger is getting infected despite taking antibiotics three times a day.
I remember when my mom's big toe got infected from a sand crack, they put her in the hospital and gave her IV antibiotics and then sent her home with more IV antibiotics. Cipro was the one they sent her home with.