I actually feel pretty good, but my bad hip is bothering me from overuse.
We had an HVAC service tech there today at work and we can not allow access to any secure areas without a trusted employee watching over and making sure that the access door stays locked. We can not leave them alone. I have to climb a twenty four foot, vertical, metal ladder (the kind welded out of re-bar and bent metal stock to form a safety cage around the ladder) to unlock the hatch for him to gain access to the roof, then climb down so he can go up the ladder, then I have to climb back up and lock the hatch. I gave him a radio so he could call me when he was done.
I was put in charge of security over the service call we had to get done, which means that I was the one to have to climb that ladder four or six times per hour, while he went back and forth doing his work.
Yes, I feel sorry for him, too, but for each time he climbed up to do work, I had to climb up and down, twice, I had to climb up and down TWICE!!. He had made twenty three trips when I gave up counting and that was only three hours after he had arrived. It took him six hours to finish his repairs.
BUT, hey!!! Enough bitchin! When he left, the warehouse was really cool for the first time in two months !!!
Come to think of it, my biceps are quite sore as well, along with my hands and feet, from pulling myself up too many times.