A little "turned on," actually. (Hmmm, still not quite dead, I suppose)
I went to a small car show with just my daughter. (It was HER idea! I did not even know that the car club was in town. I think she just wanted some "facetime" with her dad, who has been gone a lot this week working, and she knew this would do it.)
The part that turned me on a bit is that I have been in very close contact with many scantily clad women, just now. I seem to have forgotten how many hawt women will approach an old man when he is accompanied by a gorgeous young girl (holding hands).
The whole thing just made me focus that much more on what my daughter needed from me - jokes, laughing at her jokes, listening to her talk, grabbing big leaves from trees she can not reach, the names of flowers, the names of cars, the chance to show off that she can watch out for cars in traffic on her own, show off how great her balance is as she walks on top of the brick walls, a chance to show off how quickly she can scale the two story stairs leading up to the entrance of the local Mason's Lodge, etc.
I feel turned on by the many younger women who gave ME attention in order to talk for a few minutes to my delightful daughter, but I feel many years younger MYSELF after a chance to just "be there" for my daughter's needs.
Now, I am going to go and throw her around in the pool for a while. It is still hot outside!

I feel like a king!