I do not want to to be the lazy-assed dad who buys his daughter the fanciest bicycle in the store and fails to teach her how to ride it. I have seen this kind of horror in parenting. "Just buy them everything and turn your back!"
I do not want to look back and feel that I am one of those parents.
She is ready to learn to ride, all her "friends" can ride, but she does not want to put in the time to learn how to ride her bike. She is so frustrated with herself, when she falls down, that she gives up and will not try again for days!!
I need to find a way to inspire her far beyond the pain she suffers from falling down and scraping up her body.
My oldest finally (years after her peers) learned the technical bits on a bit hilly playfield with grass. Me running next to her. First keeping her bicycle stable, and slowly letting go more and more. But, even after she had the technical skills, it took her about 5 years after that to be so confident that she started to like it, and chose to go to primaryschool on her bike in stead of walking now and then. She still is not safe in bigger traffic situations on her bike.
There is a lot you can do as a parent. But you can't get a child there if she is not ready for it yet.
I myself got only really confident on a bicycle in traffic after my teenage years.