she texted me. my very first fear, and the first one to be dismissed, was true: she had found some other guy.
That sucks.
How long ago did she find him?
dunno. i find it strange that she seemed so interested in me untill 2 days before we stopped talking alltogether tho. chicks suck at hiding a lack of interest

so i find it hard to believe she "had" him allready then... so it musta happened rather quick. which also "gets" me, cus it means she dumped me just for hornyness.
which again is completely possible, hornyness is an emotion, and emotions are very strong...
this sucks tho. long distance relationships suck, and "real" ones are simply not feasible cus chicks MAY want me untill i open my mouth and talk. when i do, i become their "weird gay friend"
sir les: i told her, that her (rather flimsy and vague) explanation made absolutely NO sense, unless she found a new guy, and that i would even prefer her to just tell me, cus at least then i KNOW its not something i did wrong. i was simply too far away to be of any use. i knew it, cus its the only thing that woulda made sense. but i also trust peoples word... too much.