I am an admirer of Pea as you can probably tell.
This is a scary place, sex, nudies and other filth my virgin eyes are not used to 
I will try to be tolerant though.
Please be kind to me 

Hi Gus.
Here's some eye candy for you, since you think that Pea is hawt.

Like that? There's more:

* Callaway passes Gus the brain bleach.
Why do you waste your time trying to put me down, you sad act? Your bitchiness doesn't faze me at all. 
I think that it is interesting that you interpret me reposting a picture that you posted yourself in the Free For All as trying to put you down, Peaguy.
I called your picture
eye candy for an admirer of yours who apparently thinks that you are hawt.
I notice that you removed the image tags so it would not appear again in your quote.
What's really the matter, Peaguy? Is it possible that you don't like other people reposting your picture, even though you posted it where everyone can see it?
Are you afraid that your sister might see it?