You people seem like a bunch of brainless dimwits.
Excuse me, dont class us all the same.

When I go out i don't have to drink, girls are naturally attracted to me in my VIP room.
Well if your heads as far up your arse as it seems, they certainly aint attracted to your personality or modesty. You say you dont need to drink, but how much do they need to drink?
Go on tell me, how much money do you give them, do you give them a little flash of the gold card just to tease them and get their nipples all hard, AND is your VIP room in a brothel or a stripbar?

Oh dear i do apologise, maybe i should don my nun's outfit, clutch my rosary beads, get on my knees, confess and ask God for forgiveness.
HG - "forgive me father for i have sinned"
GOD - "i should ask how long has it been since your last confession"
HG - "eh if i say 10mins does that make me bad"
GOD - "oh my child who can blame you in a world full of arrogant egotistical twats, morons and ugly people, do not bother wasting your time with the hail marys, you may continue with your fork-tongued ways, you are forgiven oh precious one, now go put those little bastards back in their place"

Im just naturally a bitch, but I also frequent VIP rooms and im as hot as hell apparently, so hey the fact im also a complete cunt is obviously irrelevant. No wonder God still loves me.