How's the reconditioning going? Do you have a 'natural' sexual relationship now? And what was the story about? The link is dead.
It's actually going quite well. I've only recently gotten serious about it; it took a while to build up the motivation. It turns out I'm good at some things that are apparently valued skills, like strong pelvic muscle control.
It kind of depends on your definition of natural. I doubt I'll ever be into the traditional man-on-top missionary thing, at least not exclusively, and I'm not interested in creating that. But I like what I'm doing enough to actively seek it out on occasion, and consider that fact a blazing success.
The story was a real-life self-disclosure of man who in his early teens got into electricity. His thing was to put a dildo in his ass with contacts on either side and chain himself to the bed in the dark on a timer that would turn on the lights and allow him to undo the lock after an hour or two. He rigged up a system of batteries that would run a gradually increasing course of electricity through the dildo, past the point of sexual arousal and into pain. His goal was to create a universe that consisted entirely of pain, but he was never able to get it high enough to pass out from it. After a few years he went cold turkey on it because he was too concerned about the way it was rewiring his mind. The story might still be around somewhere. The userid was voltsjolts.