Isn't revolution or war inherently an inefficient use of resources?
Not if the system being revolted against is inefficient enough.
Shouldn't we all be good little cogs, well-controlled, for most efficient usage?
Only to the degree that it ensures survival.... and at least the way we're currently wired, a certain degree of randomness/mutation is necessary.
Yes, I value survival.
Should people really be considered as an means to an end like this?
This from a guy who seriously considered murder to satisfy his partner's sexual cravings?
I don't see why not.
What is the real end, behind this idea of efficiency?
A vision of an ideal universe. My perfection is different than yours because I still believe it's worth seeking, even if you know you can't get all the way there. My vision of the universe is a coherent place, and in a coherent system, optimal resource use is most likely to get you the result you set out to get.
"Yeah, but what result do you want?"
Theoretically, creativity. Here's where you step into the part of my mind that's not connected, though. So I can only make logical inferences, not answer with certainty.