No, i don't. (FYI, the slight suggestion I might have to find it and look at it just caused a minor but definite sting of fear.) But it is the cover of a new reprinting of the Scary stories series(that was a fun trip to borders), you might be able to find it on I can't think of anything which would cause me to have a good reason to be disturbed by the picture, i am just spontaneously disturbed by it. I do know that my mental defense mechanisms are in full effect in relation to it. I do know it has something to do with the picture as a WHOLE, seeing the eye sockts and the mouth at once will do it whereas the eyes alone or the mouth alone wont. I can only remember the picture in emotion, and in pieces, i can't remember it as a whole like i can remember everything else in my life. And i've seen it dozens of times.
Something else which is psychologically nifty is that last time i saw it(on that cover outside borders) I specifically bought the book, cut out the picture, and put it into a nice and expensive frame i got from JC penny or something. Now i keep it kind of like that story the portrait of dorian grey. This has made me feel more comfortable. I've got it face down in my desk right here.