Wouldn't get rid of all of them because I like my carne asada and those hot, Selma Hayek look-alike latina babes. 
Then I'd get rid of the sand niggers. 
Then I'd send all of America's niggers halfway back to Africa. 
Never really understood the hating beaner bit unless you get different ones out there,
It's more of a numbers thing. They're about half the state population now and when they become the majority, their racism comes out. Ask most white people who live in New Mexico. A woman I know had to leave the state because she couldn't get equal help for her 2 kids. One had a Hispanic surname and was treated like gold by social service employees. The other had an Anglo surname and was treated like crap. She always had to fill out twice the forms for the white kid and even then he wouldn't receive the same help.
I've even had Mexican co-workers who say they hate this area because there's too many Mexicans.
That and they drive like shit. They're always driving 5 miles an hour below the speed limit in the fast lane.