
Author Topic: had a dream...  (Read 823 times)

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had a dream...
« on: April 19, 2008, 02:26:03 PM »
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 08:28:59 AM by matthe »


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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 02:27:23 PM »
Why not just post it inthe dream thread that is here already?

Also why did you stick it in Introductions?


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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2008, 02:33:09 PM »
Was merely curious, that's why I asked.

Jeez what is it with people lately.

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2008, 06:35:51 AM »
you have so much knowledge of weapons. if i dreamt about violence it would be something out of doom instead of socopexs and other crap. :P also, do you play a lot of violent games?

cool dream though but stressful to have to dream it every night.

also, do you act out these dreams in your sleep? :P

"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline SovaNu

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2008, 09:14:35 AM »
i meant do you swing your arms around. :laugh:

maybe the black panther was your inner demon.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline SovaNu

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2008, 09:27:15 AM »
 :laugh: :lol: :headbang2:

pizzas shouldn't be gourmet.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline SovaNu

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2008, 08:40:08 AM »
any new dreams?
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2008, 05:11:09 PM »
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.
>here i will be posting excerpts from my dreams for you all to read and enjoy. entrepretations and comments are welcome<
>my dreams are often too fucked up to explain properly and i dont always remember all of them. i will do my best to describe them<

today we had some serious close quarters combat.

me and a few friends were running from the west coast because there was a disaster of some sort coming(i think it was supposed to be an earthquake, but i dont remember how we knew it was coming) anyways were fleeing across arizona and we stop in a mountainous urban area to rest for the night. we were staying at some house and a small group of vatos shows up and just starts shooting into the house. we are returning fire as they breech the building. then im in the kitchen face to face with two guys fireing back and forth at point blank range. my 22 jams so i start grabing whatever i can to use as a weapon. first grabing a toaster and swinging it around by its chord, bashing these guys with it like a mace. i knock one guy down and grab his hand with the gun in it, ,twist it back at him and shoot him in the face. another guy bashed me over the head with a microwave before i could get up. mean while bullets are flying everywitch direction and i get hit every now and again. my homies are in different parts of the house battling it out with the rest of the vatos. stunned from the microwave blow to the head i grap a phone(old school style) and a baseball bat and just start beating the shit out of these guys. shit is flying everywhere and im making a little progress but these guys just wont go down. i get one of em down and bash his head into a puddle of brains with the phone. while im doing this the other one gets his hand on my bat and we go at it bat vs phone. i find a 4ftish socopex to something arather cable and start using the phone in the left as a sheild and swinging the heavy socopex end of the cable around as a weapon. at this point i remember seeing dead homies lying on the ground and im beaten so badly that i have gigantic welts on my face and several gunshot wounds in my arms and legs. im fighting 3, maybe four guys off with the phone and socopex mace. one guy falls on a table and gets a table leg through the chest. another gets strangled by my last dying homie. its just me and one vato left. we continue to fight for a while, phone and socapex vs bat and kitchen knives. the fucker just wont go down and the fight moves outside to the back alley way. then a cop comes up nonchalantly like he just happened to be wandering through the alley and breaks up the almost over fight. he takes our weapons and tells the vato to get lost. my face is so busted and swolen and i prolly had a broken jaw as i tried to say "but he killed my homies". no words came out. i couldnt speak. and the vato runs off. still struggling to try and say something, i wake up all sweaty and utter outloud "but he killed my homies".

welcome to my dreams. it was so uberly graphic and violent that no words could describe all this well enough to do it justice. no big guns, grenades, or karate. just balls to the walls close quarters combat with small cal handguns and later whatever i could grap. the proceding story is left intentionally as one paragraph because thats how it happened. there were no breaks or pauses and hence no line breaks on indents.

description of weapons involved...

socapex cable sort of like what i had in the dream, socapex is the heavy metal connector to give you an idea of size the one on the lower right has 6 heavy duty edison plugs on it(edison is a standard american wall socket) the socapex prolly weighs at least 3 lbs not including cable weight

phone like the one in the dream...

bat- aluminum short fat teeball style

usually this is what my dreams are about, but sometimes they are less graphic/violent and more creepy/traumatic. all my dreams are fucked up and they almost always involve some sort of cataclismic event and me running away from something or fighting to the death. they always wake me up and i have trouble getting back to sleep. often i will get back to sleep and the same dream will continue. occasionally i will still be sort of awake and still dreaming at the same time. mostly my dreams are too strange or chaotic to express in words at all, but this one was fairly vivid and simple enough to try to depict, so it was a good one to start this thread with

well im going to try and go back to sleep now.

Offline Calandale

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2008, 08:12:10 PM »

Offline renaeden

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Re: fun balls fucked up dream thread
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2008, 06:50:41 AM »
fuck the I2 police :finger:
So what do you think of calandale's spam post above.

Keep posting your dreams, though. I think they are pretty cool and wish I remembered my dreams like that.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way