Ewww, nasty. NARI...ick!
Me? oxy, as per usual, and antiinflammatories. Nitrazepam and chlormethiazole, and as always, tizanidine.
Got 10g of methoxetamine winging its way express to me, to complete my opioid taper (and will use OTC cough remedies based on codeine if I feel at all rough)
Not sure how in hell I am going to IV the stuff though, I woke up today with wrist drop. One hand is mostly paralyzed. When I last booted up some oxy, I had to attach the micron filter to my rig one handed and do an IM injection rather than an IV. And draw up the solution holding the rig in my teeth, as I couldn't do it one handed.
I slept funny on that arm, sitting upright, and it got compressed for hours against my chair. The only other possible cause I can think of is maybe heavy metal toxicity, as in my welding work I use a silver/cadmium based rod to make the metal-to-metal joins with.
If it doesn't improve in a day or two I am going to my doc about that, no doubt about it. Makes rolling a smoke into an incredible battle when I have to skin up one handed. And as for doing an IV? oh boy, difficult is not the word. Damn hard to type, I can only use one finger on my right hand, plus my left hand as normal. I'm right handed too. Makes using a mouse with my 'dead' hand pretty difficult too. I have to manually position my right hand on the mouse, and occasionally reposition the mouse with my left. Uggh....I want a fag, and have to roll them one handed and use my mouth to help roll them.
Whats really bothering me is that I just cant work until my hand starts working again, I haven't enough strength to hold a welding torch, and would just drop it and burn through the gas line trailing on the floor, blowing up the entire shed.
Got my MXE cheap too this time, at least 25 quid or so off. 5g packs are o sale for 50 quid. Whereas 10g is 120, and with my bonus for repeat custom, another few quid off, plus my loyalty code, thats a further 15% off.
so 2x5g packs plus express shipping brought it down to 80 odd quid

Need more rigs for it though, more micron filters, sterile water amps and needles. Time to go order those now. That should be enough to taper on (NMDA antagonists block opioid tolerance, or even reverse existing tolerance) and then some. I use it in cycles, occasionally, to lower my tolerance to pain meds, and its an effective nonopioid analgesic in and of itself, works a treat for that, and quite enjoyable too ^_^
Time to do battle with my rolling papers and baccy, and then try and use a lighter. Thank the outer gods I have one of those piezoelectric clicker lighters. With my hand and wrist this way I couldn't use matches.