It's been a long time since I've had a proper celebrity crush. Marilyn Manson was the last one, and that was 13 years ago. I really must be getting old.

Craig Nicholls is hot, but it never felt like a real crush. Must be the age difference.

As for the headaches, that depends on the social situation. There are certain people I can be around and never get tired of them. These people are really funny, and we see them at parties and weddings where there's lots of food and booze, so that's why I don't have any problems socializing with them.
In most social situations, I have a cutoff point that hits me super-fast. All of a sudden, I'm angry, tired, sleepy, headachey, and just mean as hell. I hate when that happens, because it's not the fault of the people I'm with. But I can't stand being around boring, tiresome people. If someone is silly and funny, I can hang around forever.
Tonight we're going out to dinner with some friends. They're Brazilian, and they talk so frigging much. They brag about Brazil all the time, and say the same things over and over. They are such sweet people, but they wear me out. I will be drinking heavily this evening.