Its hard for me to understand sleep issues, even with my night terrors, I used to have, I slept fine. 10 cups of tea at once, I go right to bed. Lots of high intensity exercise before bed, I sleep fine.
Don't bring books or food to bed
Lights should be off
A good sleeping room temperature is 68 degrees.
Regular exercise promotes adequate sleep.
Regular bed time
I found a trick, try imaging a story with your eyes shut, then you may just fall asleep. Works for me.
Orthepedic matress, I got that and a special pillow.
I sleep in the waiting room, while I waited for my mom to get out of the dentist's office. My he head was on the hard part of the chair, kind of uncomfortable, and I had to take a piss. I napped for 30 minutes or so any way

I snored, but I don't stay snoring.