Earn it, that is one definite way to get more than you are now.
For some reason, weither it be hormonal signals my body was giving off or something, when I was eating lots of junk, I wasn't getting as much attention from the women. I am not a real big weight gainer, even now, just a bit of my own effort with exercise, and I can eat whatever I want. ( but I would be pushing it close, still I could gain more protection if I did it another way, without eating less, exercising more, or taking pills

) Maybe its something I was goind differently, as I didn't feel so good about myself, as I do now

My pants fit better, however I don't know if that is a good thing, they were already annoying me before. Some are wripped, from getting caught in my bike. My bathingsuit falls off real easy to, Jen said cute.