
Author Topic: question about different types of meds  (Read 266 times)

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question about different types of meds
« on: March 13, 2008, 02:48:28 PM »
Just wrote this out and read through it, it doesnt make much sense but im in a rush and not making much sense, sorry. can someone try and work out wtf i'm on about though if they have time, and know anything about drugs? thanks

if one SSRI doesn't work for you, does that mean it's less likely another SSRI won't work? or if one tricyclic pill won't work, does that mean another tryciclc one is less likely to work?

or is it completely irrelevant?

i mean, as an example, Prozac didn't work for me - does that mean zoloft is less likely to work for me too, or does it have nothing to do with it?

i'll try whatever, but want something to work ASAP, so want to get something that's most likely to work if i can

might be getting another tricyclic one, but dosulepin didn't work for me, so should i try something completely diffferent, or try this one anyway?

also, how much difference would it make depending on what the meds were for?

ie. the dosulepin was for depression. it didn't work. this next one will be mainly for ocd - so something could be usless for me for depression, but help with my ocd?

also is there anything which is known for being good at helping with OCD? or have i just got to randomly try and hope for the best?

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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 05:38:53 PM »
When I was on Lexapro a few years ago, it damped my OCD.  That doesn't mean it will work like that for everybody, though.  You might ask a doctor about it.  Hope that helps.


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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 06:18:28 PM »
i thought all anti sepressants worked the same, so why would you need trial and error? i took prozac or paxil when i was a teenager and HATED it. good fucking god, it was horrible. then as an adult i tried resperdal and seroquel and didnt like them either and resperdal gave me an allergic reaction/ i think im just med sensative and cant take anything

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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 06:27:16 PM »
ADs work differently, different ADs work differently and different people have unique reactions.

i took Prozac and it didn't work, Zoloft didn't work. Citalopram did work wonders but only for some weeks until it started to make me groggy and zombielike and really tired. it sucked. but in the beginning it was great so if i needed something temporary to get me some rest from crap, i would take that and then look for other meds while on it. though it does make you stupid but happy stupid, at least me. i was like happy and stupid and calm for some weeks, it was the best high i think because it was constant, with booze and valium you have to come down, but with that you just float. lol. it was awesome shit. i wish they made it so the effects could last.

the book i was talking about earlier said something about how our brains are overactive in the...what was it... well anyway it was some overactive thing and things like booze make it less active and that makes the OCD less bad. so if a med could do that it would be great. i will read more about this stuff.
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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 06:29:12 PM »
i think ive gotten so used to depression that it really doesnt matter if i take meds or not because i can always deal with it :laugh:

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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 06:52:56 PM »
AD's from each class tend to evoke similar reactions, so if you react poorly to an SSRI, the chances are good that you'll react poorly to a different SSRI.  Also, the more AD's you try and react poorly too, the less likely it is that you'll react well to the next one, regardless of class, so if you react poorly to two SSRI's, your chances of reacting well to a tricyclic are somewhat lower than average.  AD's in general mess me up pretty badly, but I get on well with amphetamine and I don't get any noticeable side-effects from it. 
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Re: question about different types of meds
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 07:48:05 PM »
Thanks for the responses
So far I've only tried 2 - one SSRI for anxiety (kind of worked but had to quit because of side effects) and one tricyclic for depression, which didnt work
i think i'll try some more, and then if none of them works, i'll just have to find something else somehow

ADs work differently, different ADs work differently and different people have unique reactions.

i took Prozac and it didn't work, Zoloft didn't work. Citalopram did work wonders but only for some weeks until it started to make me groggy and zombielike and really tired. it sucked. but in the beginning it was great so if i needed something temporary to get me some rest from crap, i would take that and then look for other meds while on it. though it does make you stupid but happy stupid, at least me. i was like happy and stupid and calm for some weeks, it was the best high i think because it was constant, with booze and valium you have to come down, but with that you just float. lol. it was awesome shit. i wish they made it so the effects could last.

the book i was talking about earlier said something about how our brains are overactive in the...what was it... well anyway it was some overactive thing and things like booze make it less active and that makes the OCD less bad. so if a med could do that it would be great. i will read more about this stuff.
my brain feels overactive in certain areas, ridiculously so. maybe that's related to the OCD
alcohol helped me a lot
the last time i went to the toilet without getting a shower afterwards (sorry, no one wants to know this, i'm sure :laugh: ) was when i got comepletely shitfaced at christmas.

my ocd was going ok before, but ive just had a very bad couple hours, and now its fucking me up. the meds im on right now are lessening the ocd anxiety, but not stopping the thoughts in my head, if that makes sense. so even though ive done a fuck-up (although ive just had a shower and got clean clothes on), my reaction to the fuck-up isnt as bad as usual. im going to have to sleep soon though to avoid it getting worse, and tomorrow will probably be awful