Happy mother's day, even though over in the UK was in March.
yep, it's been and gone over here. and now, here's a second chance for my son to forget

I really dislike the commercialisation of these holidays , mind. That's one of the few things my Mum and i actually agreed upon. I still have a 70's mother's day card in its original cellophane wrapper, somewhere. Unbeknownst to her, I'd bought the card before she gave me the stern talking-to to the effect that i
must not buy any cards, flowers or present for her. So i was too scared to write it out and give it to her

. Couldn't help noticing how pleased she was to see her instructions ignored by my siblings though, and i eventually (maybe 20 years later) started to do likewise.
Now I've no Mum to buy for, the day often sails past me, unnoticed, but i sometimes fondly recall the home-made cards that my son used to bring home from school (i;ve still got one or two of them)and will admit (to you guys, at least) to feeling a bit left out, when people remind me what day it is. It would be really nice if he wished me "Happy Mothers Day"and fetched me breakfast in bed or something, but i guess we're too set in our "Bah! Humbug"" ways.