If you want to see one-sided visit AS Partners and join in with the aspie witch-hunt. Same goes for serrissa.
Look, I don't know much about how the community operates, but they have as much right to vent as we do with NTs.
Though taking sides against the autistics in legal cases every time is facist. Would you be saying the same thing about an anti-gay site or one where they describe those with no legs as legless larry's or something? On intensity i see more people ranting against autistics and bringing us down than anti-NT rants, and when we do rant we always have the likes of you and serrissa to talk bollocks no matter how carefully worded or justified the rant might be.
This doesn't change the fact that being autistic
can be a difficult thing to handle when in a loving and sexual relationship -- this is the only valid thing I agree with the wives on.
Of course, people here might deny it, but these people are in their own fabricated world that autism is merely all about quirks and traits when it is not. The people can't acknowledge that they're disabled, because they're too proud, aren't worth my time.
I'll have to try and make more sense of my position tomorrow.