I watched that fashion show clip all the way through.... it's like an extreme sport. Humans are truly bizarre.
I wonder if Starbuline and I were the only ones with model fixations. 
You are definitely not the only one with a model fixation.
I have often defended my freedom to engage in voyeuristacy to those who would try to make me feel less secure with myself. If someone looks down upon me for appreciating a well photographed semi=appealing image of a semi-youthful and stylistic figure, then they are the ones with problems, not me.
I have concluded that this is not the place for it though, since I was under the impression that I was the only one.
(look at my old avatars and you will see two old rockers, a few fractals, a couple of Hendrix close-ups and about fifty five fashion or figure models

Maybe we need our own hot model thread in the Ginseng forum.
If you don't start one, soon, then I will and I'll post Mayra in fur for the opener.