Why is it that, for the most part, men seem to want more sex than women? I would think that the sexes would have evolved similarly, but in most cases there is this divergence. How do you explain it, evolutionarily or societally?
i do believe that men are actually pressured into it by society. everywhere you look there is sex that is appealing to the male ego (specifically the media).
also, i think it is important to note that sex for a man, by and large, does not carry with it the same burden of responsibility that it does for women. getting pregnant is not as big a concern for a man as it is for the women. therefore women are generally more careful about sex.
plus, sex for a man is simply about cumming. it seems (i said seems) that for a woman there is alot more emotion involved. and foreplay is generally necessary to make a woman have a great time, but a man simply needs to cum, which isn't difficult (except for peter). therefore i conclude that men are generally selfish lovers and most really don't know how to handle anything other than the in and out motion.
it is a combination of:
*historical perceptions
*societal pressures (media portrayals)
*responsibilities resulting from sex
*men are bad at sex
sorry triste, but this is all i can cum up with on the spur of the moment.
there is something i would like to consider in this short essay. i wonder what the percentage of women vs men who try some kind of same sex, sexual experience. i think it might be important because i believe that way more straight females have tried it than straight males. i think this is due to the fact that men do not have a clue.