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ask me anything - mcj answers them

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--- Quote from: Aeval on September 10, 2006, 10:28:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: McJagger on September 10, 2006, 10:20:18 AM ---i choose this one.  since it is a current crisis in my life.  my wife has gotten lazy over the past couple of years.
and its not so bad, since i enjoy cumming, i just do it myself.

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Some guys have trouble achieving orgasm through oral sex.  Do you?

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it is about control, once again.  and i am freaked out by relinquishing control to the woman, that i get an excited thrill over it and can usually cum during a commercial break.  when being pleasured orally.

If you could in fact shag yourself, how would you do it?   Mouth or ass?

i'd suck my own dick.
god knows i have tried.
because its a cute little bugger.

Since we seem to be having so much mud slung at us at the moment do you think we should hold a naked mud wrestling tournament?


--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on September 10, 2006, 12:06:20 PM ---Since we seem to be having so much mud slung at us at the moment do you think we should hold a naked mud wrestling tournament?

--- End quote ---

but i get ascan in a sauna.  i prefer to handicapp myself.  he is used to the hot air, since that seemsa that is all he has to deliver.

i am going to lock my thread now.
and start a new one.


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