The link doesn't work anymore.
The site didn't last very long.
What was it about?
DivaD started it and made RobertN a moderator there.
Later, RobertN became upset because someone here who knew him posted a picture they owned of him. He demanded that Dunc remove this picture, saying that they must have gotten the picture from the private area of a website that allowed only Aspies from the UK to join, where he had posted it. I talked to the person who posted it and they promptly removed the picture to avoid upsetting him, even though I didn't ask them to.
For some reason I don't completely remember and never really understood, RobertN was very angry with Dunc over this, even though the picture was promptly removed. He threatened to sue Dunc for every penny he owned and make Dunc's children homeless.
Pretty much any member from here who posted on Aspie Trash during this time had their posts changed by RobertN to say whatever he wanted them to say. It was sort of like the My Way or the Highway forum, except that I think RobertN was motivated by spite rather than humor at the time. Many people here believed that RobertN was being used by a couple of other people (neither of whom were DivaD) so they tried to warn him about it. He didn't want to hear it.