what are your childrens grandfathers like, do you think they will be such strong influences in their lives?
Im kinda gutted that by the time i have kids, my grandfather and grandmother will probably be gone. Because probably like your grandfather, they are the kind of people that kids should get the opportunity to grow up knowing.
No i doubt that the baby boomers have too much to offer anybody, IMO. most of them are full of crap, greedy and selfish.
my wife and i plan on remaining married and being positive role models (thank god for her in that phase of the plan).
i think it is crucial for parents to remain married and for them to take gut checks often. i also think that parents signed up for lifetime responsibilities and should honor that responsibilities.
back to the baby boomers, they are the beginning of de-evolution of humankind, IMO. they shirked nearly all of their responsibilities, thir greatest contributions have been entertainment based ( to raise their children for them). they are piles of waste and although i like my father alot, he fits into the same category as a non role model type.
one reason i have a problem with the womans movement is because it tells women that they need to go out into the job market. tells women that being a mother is demeaning, its all about money...
back to the baby boomers greed.
well i feel that the woman, with her natural maternal instincts and her ability to raise children better than men, is and should be the most rewarding job of all. you get to mold lives. see the next phase in humanity started off in the right direction.
i understand that women need more equality ( because of the abuses of my fathers generation), but i refuse to pay for their sins. i will honor my responsibility and do the best i can ( given that i do not have the natural instincts). i will study my wife and learn from her...
rant complete, in part.