Thank you Renaeden.
Yeah the subtlety may not have quite been there, but I did think they were interesting questions
As to the Michael Jackson Cat molester thing, well it was a poor attempt at humour
For the record I don't think AHayes is a cat molester.
So I have stated I don't think he molests cats.
I think he does have a very strong....close....friendly....loving.....intimate...connection with the couch shredders but I would not necessarily indicate anything wrong.
I use this to support my contention very badly, making it sound as close to molestation of cats as I can.
Michael Jackson had a similar relationship with children on his ranch and I think he was just friendly and Peter Pan-ish.
Then to kill any hope of the opinion having any merit, tie it in with the man known the world over as a weird molester.
Of course what was funny and witty when pissed rarely translates for me as such in the sobriety of the next day.
I think I pwned myself again.....sigh
