and furthermore, i feel you are being oversensitive and should bugger off to AFF if you can't take all this fighting. 
I don't mind the fighting. I just think you freaked out over fuck all.
i did not freak out. i got pissed. it happens. get over it. i like to fight sometimes anyway. and i am not insulated. if i was i wouldn't be reading this board.
i think you're taking this way too seriously.
OK cool. It was a moment of you getting pissed and playing Mother Hen or Standing by your man or whatever else. I can live with that. I thought for a while the fabric of reality had warped and the site changed on me or my impression and understanding of this place was severely flawed.
So you were having a pissy moment. Cool. I don't have to censor myself? Excellent. I can flame him all I want? Brilliant.
OK what the fuck is the deal AHayes?
You like cats OK. You post a lot of boring variations on the four-legged furry fucks. OK You freak the hell out if anyone pokes gentle fun at the insolent, walking pieces of furry dog meat? What is that about? If I had a strange obsession like - I dunno - model trains like that Bobby from the Sopranos, then posting non-stop about that would be lending myself up to some form of ridicule. If for no other reason than it is so obvious.
The depression thing? Yeah it is a toughie. In all seriousness though mate, most of us do not care. Not being nasty but there are people you pay to give a fuck, who have some reasonable idea on these things. We are as useful in this, as a stranger at a pub. So not that we don't care, it is just that.....well.....I guess we don't care.
The big letters thing? I do not understand it. Is it in reply to a special joke? Is it a showing of intelligence? Is it an "in-joke" I don't know about? Is it a poor attempt at pissing us off? Is it a cry for attention...for help....what? Is it trying to show the girls here you have much bigger letters than the other males here? Are you just being a knob?
The centipedes in the vagina thing. You have been trying to poll this and pose this again and again and it seems that whilst it is something special to you it means fuck all to the rest of the membership. You bought it up again asking whether Hale_Bopp has had enough? I don't think she or anyone but you really gives a shit. It means fuck all and the continuing or not, really means nothing, except to you.
Having a go at PI? Well that was not impressive. It made you look like a dropkick. I did not see what you were bitching about but it did look petty. Like really petty. Choice of target was a little bizarre too but OK. When Duncs responded and changed your details to Cat Molester you had your own private spat. Fuck, if you had not deserved a response, I dunno who did. Again moan, moan, bitch, bitch.
Getting Milla to fight your battles. That is pretty fucking weak. She is in your callout defending your honour. Grow some nads.
As I say you can be quite funny when you are not being a fuckwit. I think you have to learn to take as much as you get or no-one will take you seriously.
Besides that you seem like a nice bloke. (Sensitive enough for you Milla? :lol: )