I have had direct contact with these people.
They have treated me as if I had absolutely no knowledge of what is going on with my own two kids, even though I have spent the major portion of five years (No, it will be six years next month!) studying hundreds of books on the subject.
They wear the logos and they spout crap that is mostly designed around helping clueless parents to deal with the personal trauma of raising a retarded kid. My kids and I are not retarded. We are quite gifted in so many ways.
Someone needs to re-assess the definitions, please. We are doing OK, but we are not like you. Deal with it. There aren't that many of us and we don't want much from your world!
Give me a reason, quickly, why I should not despise them for every interaction I have had to suffer, especially when they crashed our school-sponsored meeting of parents, psychologists, therapists, teachers, aides and principal with their inane and trivial toys for sale to show us that "Things are going to be OK."
Of course things are OK! We are working this stuff out day by day and these people think they can dive-bomb us with their bullshit to sell and we will sniff up to their trail and be SO much better off. give me a fucking break!
*tries to slam the lid back on a can of worms, cuts many in pieces, trying*
(OK, I deleted my remarks but I went to find them in my browser cache and replaced them.
