actually, sir les if you would read the thread from start to finish you would find that i didnt embaress myself at all and just gave my opinion.
what happend was, you and everyone else felt threatend because i said you (they) didnt have arseburgers.
and i still dont
Really? Holy shit I was too busy laughing at you to register that I felt threatened. I have the diagnosis and the signed off paper from a psychologist to "verify" but firstly he may have it wrong (and you are right - worth a giggle in itself) and secondly if he has it wrong and I am just your average everyday fuckwit, I would be none the wiser and would not give a shit any way.
At which point do I feel threatened? If so by what? Asperger's? Arse Burgers? You.....Please don't seriously say I am threatened by you?

Where was I? Oh yeah the owning thing. I admit I did not read it from start to finish. I was not too emotionally invested in the argument.
You were deluded into thinking everyone was in a clique because they liked each other and not you? You had some kind of a beef with Odeon or DirtDawg? You had burgers on your arse? I dunno?
It did not look like it was going to get anymore interesting by seeing more of your posts in it. So I admit I may have lost a little in translation. That"owning everyone" bit I may have missed. I am sure it was a sick burn that devastated the membership.....or not.
As for not embarrassing yourself? I feel your pain. The inability to feel embarrassment when you ought to is a tough one. May be a comprehension thing.
Good luck with your Burgers...hope some hemorrhoid cream will fix it.