No surprises, I reckon, when I say I like to eat meat also.. but but, I can understand why someone chooses to be a vegetarian from a moral perception.
And yeah, concerning being carnivorous.. yet loving animals maybe even more so than human beings.. I am a hypocrite too. I love birds but I've eaten pheasant (game), for instance. Lambs are surely sweet 'bonifide' animals but..
Well, I love to cook and preparing a piece of good quality meat from my butcher's.. is great, in my opinion. From seasoning, put in room temperature before gently laying (
) it in the hot pan.. um, oil in the frying pan first, watching it brown, flipping it over, adding a little bit of real butter, onion, mushroom, tomato..
I'm almost obsessed with food/cooking/(meat) and to ex-out eating meat would make no logical sense at all.. and someone being vegan, to me.. what ever the height of the horse, doesn't really either. No eggs, milk or cheese? Um, IMO, shoes have to be made from..
(um, my stance there.. but suit self ofc.)