Fortunately, this issue does not hinge on your interpretation, since you have a habit of being deliberately dense when you don't want to understand what someone says.
True. It would be real nice if we were given a better reason
than 'site security' and some crap about hacking into some
unknown mail server. Some interesting questions arise, if
dunc is running a mail server on the same machine as I2
is run on - such as how ahayes got the information to access
the server, in order to 'hack' into it (though that sounds more
like cracking to me).
Dunc has to have the ability to act in the interest of site security, he did so, and I believe that he made the correct decision.
Oh yes. And like all staff members, we should simply trust what you say.
Even if it doesn't jibe. I forgot my role again.
If you sincerely believe that Ahayes' rights were trampled here when he was banned, I would suggest that you get Aspie Chaos up and running as quickly as possible and make Ahayes an administrator there with equal "powers" to yourself.
Interesting question, as to whether I'd have trusted ahayes, in the first place.
I've seen nothing here that would change that decision, however. Except maybe
towards the positive. Of course, someone ELSE could add him with admin capabilities,
even if I didn't. Maybe it is time, though.