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Aspie CHAOS!

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Like with many other aspie places, I'd probably get an account to see what the place was about, then decide if it was worth it.


--- Quote from: odeon on February 18, 2008, 05:53:57 PM ---Like with many other aspie places, I'd probably get an account to see what the place was about, then decide if it was worth it.

--- End quote ---

I'd love to see you there. Mainly, IF it did work,
you might be convinced that such would
work here too. Whatever eventual path
it follows.

Why does it have to be aspie-only?

Aspies and NTs integrate (somewhat) in real life. It would add to the chaos for sure.

TBH I don't know if I'd be diagnosed with AS or something else or nothing at all if I had a formal diagnosis.

How can you tell if someone is really an aspie online anyway? Not making proper eye-contact with the webcam?

I find the idea of aspie sites rather elitist and only contributing to alienation.

It certainly wouldn't be aspie only.
BUT, I want some purpose to the place,
in terms of focus. And, if I made a theme
site, it wouldn't interest many who are
here, in the slightest. Plus, I'd probably
moderate it, to keep things on topic.

but will there be ads? :zoinks:


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