Well for me it's once and that was when we could delete our own accounts. I don't plan on doing it again. If I leave, it will be with no announcement or any other statement. I'll just pm the people who should know.
If it means training the new crop of Peegais to keep this place from stagnating under Callaway's rule, I'm willing to become fodder.

You told me why you are leaving and I have nothing to do with it, and neither does this recent drama, Peaguy. Of course I'll keep your secret, regardless. Furthermore, no matter what you may think of me, I still consider you a friend and I wish you well.
And I do not rule Intensity. I'm just one staff member on a team of six. Four of us were elected less than a month ago by the members and we are all here to serve the members. That does not mean that everyone will be happy with every decision because it is impossible to keep everyone happy all the time, but I hope that at least the majority will be happy.