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The "don't say anything bad about me list"

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looks like freedom of speech took a shit in your diaper


--- Quote from: jman on February 25, 2008, 07:34:29 PM ---Whats this??? More censorship???

This site has seriousily become pussified.

--- End quote ---


Even I can see that Calandale was making a joke here, Jman.

i thought he was being serious too (just because he likes arguing so much and making polls and shit :P, but now that you pointed out that it was a joke, i now see it :laugh:

Natalia Evans:
So that's what that evil laughing face was for.  :asthing: Even I don't understand facial expressions that much.


--- Quote from: jman on February 25, 2008, 07:34:29 PM ---Whats this??? More censorship???

This site has seriousily become pussified.

--- End quote ---

Yes, it has.


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