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What is Intensitah?

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--- Quote from: Dr. Vodka on March 17, 2008, 07:19:48 AM ---Yes (though it's over now down here.)

Wear green, smoke green.

--- End quote ---

strangely enough, i am.  :green:

I have been smoking green all day, and I am wearing a green shirt right now.   Amazing.   I will be going out to an Irish pub tonight and getting shitfaced as well.

you're not smoking hash are you, Luci? :P


--- Quote from: Lemon Pancakes on March 17, 2008, 03:27:08 PM ---you're not smoking hash are you, Luci? :P

--- End quote ---
I smoked some hash last night.   Fucked me up.   I went to bed early.


--- Quote from: Mc_Short_Fat_Gay_Blue_Thing on March 17, 2008, 06:19:39 AM ---did the P delete his account again?

--- End quote ---

Probably my fifth return -- I lost track of the farewells I made.


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