i went through times in november wehere i didnt eat at all though, and that was just constant shit. at least this is shit most of the time but sometimes not shit.
i dont like how i always do it on my arm late at night when i get really bad or if i get suicidal or something, and then a few hours later when i calm down, i go to sleep and i have to lie with my arm making sure it doesnt touch the bed or anything lol
i dont realyl "cut" though
i know people say it is, but its not like i get a knife and slash my arms open, its more like cat scratches
well, maybe more than that but not enough to be "cutting"
but for the sake of it, i will lump it in with "cutting"
i hate those gowns they have too milla
i dont want to go to hospital or anything
if i found out i had cancer or something, i wouldnt go