I want you to be able to quit. I think you can quit if you really want to, but whilst you're allowing yourself to think about it so much I think you're really going to struggle. I'm not trying to come across as some expert here- I've only been stopped around 5 weeks this time and its taken me several attempts to get this far-so my advice is only based on my own personal experience. But if you're really serious about stopping you need to try not to allow yourself to obsess about it so much and every time something makes you think you want a fag you need to try push it straight back out of your head, instead of dwelling on it.
Look at it this way- you want to stop (right?) Every where you go you are going to see something that reminds you of smoking, so instead of letting it remind you of the good things about smoking (cos there's no point me trying to pretend that there aren't any) let it remind you of the bad- the morning cough, the smell, the money you could be spending on other things, the having to go stand out in the rain because you need a fag, etc,etc And then try think about something else, it gets easier to do this with practice, and once you learn how to not dwell on it the cravings come less often.
The question you need to ask yourself really is do you really want to quit smoking? And if yes, why? Is it because you're sick of being a smoker or is it because you think you should stop?