Author Topic: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.  (Read 1540 times)

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Offline RobertN

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RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« on: June 26, 2006, 10:56:03 AM »
I want to know exactly what is going on here, and what part you played in it. Both Peter and Laz have taken stick from the community about what happened with omega, but you seemed to have got away unscathed. I have reason to believe you played the largest part in this scam against omega_female, and received no condemnation at all. This is now going to change.

Was the comment: "It takes a brave man to sleep with his back to that" yours?

What was your motive for being a bitch?

Perhaps you would either like to apologise to omega_female for:

a) Saying those nasty things about her.

b) Reposting her photo.

..or face me in the MAIN EVENT.

If you chose to face me, then I will also question you about your bullying of Fluorescent.

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2006, 11:07:29 AM »
but robertN,
all she has to do is submit a semi noood and you will be like putty in her hands.
is that what your really getting at?

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2006, 11:51:43 AM »
but robertN,
all she has to do is submit a semi noood and you will be like putty in her hands.
is that what your really getting at?

Principles come first, McJ. Nothing comes before defending my sweetie and getting to the bottom of what is going on.

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2006, 11:57:21 AM »
ok then, im sold.
let's see some results.

but remember, thick skin.


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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2006, 01:51:30 PM »
Sorry to sound so blunt Robert, but cant you read?
Ive made a few long posts in there explaining things.

You have reason to believe i played the biggest part, You have no idea what you are talking about and its rather obvious. I tell you what read the posts properly, i will answer the little questions you asked in this post. But get your facts straight before you come calling me out.

I was USED during a private conversation i had, which took place because i was asking Phil if he knew what he was getting into if the rumours about Omega were true and she was really his gf. I think hed already heard similar rumours, but thats for him to answer as im not 100%

I spoke to Praetor about it lastnight when he messaged me on msn, where he claimed to have sent me a txt message explaining things, but well i didnt get it. But he sent one after our convo which im thinking was the one he apparently meant to send.
He claimed he wasnt using me, but that wasnt what i was reading considering he said, "Andreanna this was never anything to do with you" and basically saying he just used the conversation we had to end a vicious circle which envolved other people, and to get back at those OTHER people who had it in for Omega, and it didnt really matter that Peter and my conversation was a light-hearted one regarding one picture Peter sent me, because it really wasnt completely about that, it was about ending SOMETHING ELSE that had been going on for a while.
He also apologised for the way Omega dealt with things, as he didnt know she was gonna use the information he gave her the way she did, even though he sympathised with her feeling hurt.

So technically our conversation was used as part of something else.

The comment "it takes a brave man to sleep with his back to that" in reference to phil came from the third party, which Peter and i found kinda funny, even though it could be seen as cruel. (if it wasnt someone you knew can you honestly say you wouldnt have maybe giggled if someone made funny one-liners)

My motive for being a bitch? sorry didnt realise i was being one because i commented on a picture which was passed to me and i was asked my opinion on OR because i had absorbed past comments about someone which worried me when i found out my friend was meant to be dating the person. I dont regret looking out for my mate.

I dont lie about things or bullshit so im sorry Omega disliked mine and the other persons' comments about her looking manly, im not gonna take responsibility for other peoples opinions on her way of being or her appearance, however i stand by my own opinion on the photo i was shown. Yes i thought she looked manly, i explained myself in my other posts, but eitherway i based my honest opinion on a photo i saw, i wasnt gonna lie when i was asked what i thought.

When we post pictures it doesnt matter how long theyve been up, we should assume that some people will make positive remarks, but there will be those who make negative remarks. If Omega commented on my pics and said i looked like an anorexic or such, i wouldnt see a problem because i expect people to have their own opinions and it honestly wouldnt bother me, because people are entitled to make their own observations especially if i posted the pic.

Would you rather people are honest or lie? Nothing i said was made with contempt or aimed viciously at Omega, if it had been she would have known. I dont have a problem with Omega, I commented on a picture of a stranger who i dont converse with etc, and i queried my friends potential relationship with her due to past rumours. Which if youd heard them youd have worried about your friend aswell.

The people involved know my position, my role etc, ive explained it on public posts even though i didnt post what other people had said, the conversations i saw etc, because that wasnt my place to out people, their personal statements or hurt someone further with comments that were worse than "she looks like a man" and quite frankly i dont see why i need to explain to you Robert because its really none of your buisness.

The fact you want to lick cunt or defend girls you obsess over isnt enough of a reason for me to defend myself any further to you (which i honestly have no need to do) or explain to you in detail, especially when you werent involved, have no idea what your going on about, what really went on and probably wont ever unless those people choose to mention what THEY said in the past, or the other people that Praetors leak was part of a plan aimed to get back at come forward. (I dont completely know about that seperate issue Praetor mentioned either, but apparently it has been a long running one AND IS SEPERATE so good luck when it comes to getting to the bottom of things)

I said i understood why Omega was upset etc, i think she herself knows my position wasnt a malicious one and i didnt play a main or major role etc especially if Praetor told her everything that was said. I apologise for the fact that she was hurt, but im not gonna apologise for having an opinion on THAT photo.

She said in one thread she was upset because she has insecurities about her masculine features and it was hard for her to put the photo up in the first place (forgive me if i picked that up wrong) well......i posted a picture of my body on my thread as a tiny way of making a point to her which may sound stupid to anyone else but i think SHE will understand what i mean if she really has the insecurities she claims. I had BDD growing up and have never really revealed my body, therefore me putting that pic up for people to scrutinise etc was akward for me and wasnt just a laugh to try and lighten the mood, it was also a little way of showing her that i do understand that it takes alot of effort to put up a pic when you have insecurities about things but im willing to put myself in the same position she did, do it and get any negative comments that come my way the same way she got them to show it really was just an observation of one picture and i dont have double standards, im willing to put myself in others peoples firing line too.

When it comes to re-posting her photo, I was in a double MSN conversation, i only showed the picture to 1 other person in that convo who saw the photo mainly because as far as i was told it was a "public" picture, and i showed them it as they were interested for the same reason as Peter and i.

As far as the issue of Fluorescent goes, ive never bullied him, I have also gave him advice in the past, my reasons for blanking Fluorescent are in the "Hypnotica is hot as hell" thread YOU made. Maybe you should read up on those posts too.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2006, 01:53:27 PM by Hypnotica_Gaze »

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2006, 02:51:21 PM »


However, I appreciate the fact you put your own picture up. It doesn't excuse anything but at least it is a reconciliation.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't have anything against you personally, HG - but you see when omega gets upset, I get upset!!

see i told you so.

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 07:23:46 PM »
Robert, do you call her to your bedroom?
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline RobertN

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2006, 09:39:23 AM »
Robert, do you call her to your bedroom?

If I had my way I would stick her in a torpedo tube and send her to Mars.


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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2006, 09:50:06 AM »
Robert, do you call her to your bedroom?

If I had my way I would stick her in a torpedo tube and send her to Mars.

But that would be physically bullying her. I thought you were against bullying in any forms.

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Re: RobertN calls Hypnotica_Gaze.
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2006, 01:07:24 PM »